Solar Panel Price – The Cutting Edge of Electric Bills

The solar panel can cut as much as half of our electricity bills.

Like any other innovations, solar panel prices reduced over time as the technology gets better and better. When looking for solar panel price, it’s important not to forget its financial benefits such as how much it can cut our electricity bills.

In this article, we will break down the finances of domestic solar panels and estimate solar panel prices.


Should we buy a solar panel?

The average cost of the solar panel as of 2016 is £11, 250 per 5, 000 watts since its 5, 000 watts is the average size of a solar panel system.

So, wondering where to find a solar panel for vending? A number of websites and shops sell solar panels. It’s fair to say solar panels aren’t cheap but there are some methods that offer free solar panels, where to keep the free electricity that the panels can generate.

However, here are some factors whether to buy or go for free solar panels:

Buy solar panels if:

  • We have money available to cover the up-front cost.
  • We want to earn money on the glut energy we generate.
  • We want to build long-term savings on energy bills. Energy prices are normally going up over time which means that the amount of solar panels save will go up to. There are many users who prove that using solar panel installed can protect them against the future price rises.

Go for free solar panels if:

  • We don’t have initial money to invest and are not able to secure a solar panel loan.
  • We’re just happy on making savings on electricity bills.
  • We’re worried about the on-going maintenance cost which includes free solar schemes.
  • We want to build long-term savings on energy bills. Energy prices are normally going up over time which means that the amount of solar panels save will go up to.

Get a domestic solar panel loans if:

  • We can’t afford to buy solar panels up-front.
  • We want to take benefit of Feed-in Tariff in the future and a tax-free income over the following years.
  • We want to build long-term savings on energy bills. Energy prices are normally going up over time which means that the amount of solar panels save will go up to.

In addition, having solar panels can add value to our property. Energy efficiency is said to be the 3rd most important reason why we buy a property. So, are got to go on free, domestic or buy a solar panel?

The Factors That Can Influence Your Electricity Bills

Aside for food, water, and shelter, one of the basic necessities that all of us need right now is the electricity. Whether we like it or not, electricity is needed in almost everything to run our home appliances, our gadgets, our transportation means and much more. Although some of the remote places in the world still survive without the use of electricity, the government from different countries is already doing their best to give them the electricity access they would need. As a basic help from the government, they provide them with light the only uses solar energy. Solar panel prices vary from different country and from different materials used. Solar panel prices also depend on the functions that it can do especially if it has a packed battery in it that can store the excess energy from the sun.

            Now that solar panels are already available all over the globe, some of the solar panel prices are already decreasing in price to be more accessible and affordable to customers. There are companies like Get Solar Prices in the UK that offers the most affordable solar panel prices from pre-screened solar companies. But of course, if you are not yet converting to solar energy, there are factors that you should know which affects your electric bills.

Factors that can influence your electricity bills every month:

  • The regulations. The Public Service Commissions in some states regulate the electric price in some states. Meanwhile, other states have a combination of regulated prices for transmission and distribution and unregulated prices for their generators.
  • The weather conditions. For the hydropower generation, the snow and rain can provide water for it while the extreme temperatures of hotness or coldness can increase your electric consumption for cooling and for heating. Destructive weather can also cause damage to the power lines and give more additional cost in maintenance.
  • The power plants. All kinds of power plants need cost for its construction, its operation, and for its maintenance to keep the plant running and producing electricity.
  • The fuels. Fuel is one of the first things that affect the electricity cost in the entire state. Its cost depends on its cost per unit like dollars per ton of coal or a thousand cubic ft of natural gas and its relative cost. During the time with a high demand for electricity, people tend to maximize electricity generators even with high fuel cost.
  • The transmission and its distribution system. This is vital to maintaining to keep the electric current in a specific location and in the entire state.

Helpful Tips to Ease Up the Solar Panel Buying

We have been using electric energy generated from huge electric companies for a very long time until today. With the essential role of electricity in our lives, we often set aside the fact that we are consuming too much and at the end of the month we are the once who will suffer due to our billing statements we have to pay for to continue their electric service.

Before, we cannot do anything but pay the bill and try to save some energy by limiting our daily use of it. But today, we can actually do more than that with the presence of Solar Panels. To define, Solar Panels are devices that are designed to convert light into electricity. They are called solar for the fact that the energy it generates is coming from the powerful heat of the sun.

Meaning, we can save huge money with a help of solar panels. But before we get too excited about heading out on different Solar Panel stores, we have provided some tips that can be really handy on our part as consumers.

  1. Make sure to consider the Types of Solar Panels available.

In buying solar panels, we are subjected to choose from two different materials such as the Polycrystalline and the Monocrystalline. As a smart consumer, we should know how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each type of panels so that we can make the best selection.

  1. We have to think about the Space and the Location of the Panel.

As a solar panel buyer, we have to think about the amount of space it can consume and where will it be placed. In general, it could be placed on smaller areas but it should receive a very strong amount of sunlight. In this case, they could go for Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline for bigger space. Remember the insulation area should clear of any obstruction so that we can maximize its full efficiency.

  1. Always consider our budget.

Today, solar panel prices vary from the brand, materials and size of the panel. As we buy a panel, we should always consider our budget and we should stick to it. Although solar panels can be a bit pricey, we must remember its lifetime benefits and the money we can save from its presence.

  1. Be wise in choosing the Correct Mounting Option.

The correct mounting option is essential because the mount secures the panel in its place. They are various types of mount in the market today, we have the Flush mount which is inexpensive and is easier to be installed, we have the Roof mounts which is a good choice for households with large panels and lastly, we have the Pole Mounts. This mount is suited to those who have a limited roof or wall space.


Harness the Sun!

According to Energy Information Administration statistics studies, the consumption of natural gas and coal continue to lead other fuels to generate power in 2016.  Whether you are an avid viewer of TV news or not, we all know that the electric charge is rising every year. Every month, its price is undergoing a zigzag scale but still it remains expensive due to the rising cost of its raw materials.


So what can you do about this? Save up! Learn how to reduce your monthly electric bills and save up for more things. Did you know you can save up your monthly electric bills to 50% or more with the sun? That’s right, a lot of countries are now using wind turbines and bio-fuels but there is no other energy that is more abundant than the sun. In California and other states with good sunshine, solar panels on their rooftops are almost a natural site to them. Furthermore, did you know that China is one of the countries with the largest photovoltaic power stations in the world? Every day, a large amount of this renewable thermal energy is released to the earth from the sun and who knows how many billion of coal can be replaced by it.


How does it work? Solar panels are the devices that collect the sun’s light and convert it into electricity. The sun is its conductor of power that’s why it was called solar panel. The solar panel prices vary on their company and size to become suitable for the customers like you. Gas power plants are more efficient, but this solar energy is free and it doesn't produce carbon-dioxide that causes global warming. With more studies and development to come in our society, and support from the government, many things are now possible. In the near future, solar power can become more economical and efficient like other fossil fuels and it can have a brighter future.

The solar panels are now available in the market, you can panel up your house or even a whole building to save up energy consumption. A lot of residential houses are now availing solar panels as well as large establishments. Since it was introduced in the market, it was widely tested and proven to give free electricity which made a booming power saver for consumers. Now, you can find the lowest solar panel prices available in your area through the help of GetSolarPrices. They got the best list for solar panel prices you can afford and choose wherever you are by just signing their form online. Get the best deal from them and save more.

How Solar Panel Works

If you’re considering putting solar to your home, one of the first questions you may ask is how much does solar panel cost? Solar is a great choice of many people, not only to cut their utility bills but also to reduce their dependence on their utility. Solar panels are fast becoming very attractive renewal energy option that could end up being incredibly beneficial to the environment. The use of solar energy has been around for decades in small devices such as calculators, but now many people are talking about powering their houses and businesses off of these energy panels.

How solar panels work?

  • This solar panels are installed on the rooftops absorb sun’s light or the photon from the sun.
  • The conductors and silicon in the panel convert the sunlight to DC (direct current) electricity which then flow on the inverter.
  • Then the inverter converts DC to AC (alternating current) electrical power which you can use at your home.
  • The excess electricity that is not used by you can be fed back to the grid.
  • If your solar panels produce less power than what is required by your home, don’t worry because you can always buy electricity from your utility.

The process of converting solar power to electricity

    Solar panels use a special process of converting photons or the sunlight to electrons. Then it will     generate a current by making use of a special type of cell known as the photovoltaic cell. These     connected together, they are called solar panel.

The uses of Solar Power

  • By putting solar panels to the roof of your house, photovoltaic cells can be used to produce electricity which can be used directly by the power supply of your house or, increasingly, stored in a large battery which you can use to power the house like a generator. However, if you lived in a darker region of the earth, the efficiency of the solar panels will be reduced.
  • Solar panels are also common in spacecraft to generate electricity for on-board computers and other electrical appliances. Due to the fact that the effectiveness of solar panels is not diminished when out of space. Since the sun is always shining, this means that the craft has a good reliable source of energy without needing to carry heavy batteries and fuels with them. These solar panels are often found on discovery crafts and satellites.
  • The solar energy can also be sold to power grids when an excess of electricity is produced. This only means that when the sun is shining brightly, you can make use of solar cells to power your devices and even make some money when you generate an excess of energy.

Fascinating ways of Using the Popular Solar Panel

                The majority of homes these days are being powered by solar panels. This is not surprising because solar panel cost is economic friendly, wealthy families are not the only ones who can buy it but all class of family can avail one for their home use. Its great affordability allows people to experience the life without stress over high ceiling electric bills.

Aside from that, energy coming from the sun is a great alternative to fossil fuels that has been harming the environment for a very long time. Imagine if every home all over the globe is using solar panels, there is a big chance that Mother Nature can restore its former beauty.

With these panels’ great benefits, it has opened the doors to all the possibilities. Now, many are thinking of ways on how to use their panels and where else they can place it for efficiency, here is the top most unusual place for a solar panel.

Solar Powered Backpack

Living in the world surrounded by technology, it is really great for us if we could generate a free source of power to power our gadgets whenever we are. Solar Panels in a backpack are such a weird but smart idea. We can now charge our phones without needing an electric socket because all we need is our backpack. We will never experience running out of battery ever again.

Solar Powered Lighter

Smokers will be thrilled about this. Because they will never have to battle the wind just to light their cigar and that is not the only use for it. We can also use it for camping as a good replacement for rockA and stems. They will never have to think about producing a fire.

Solar Panels on a car roof

Decreasing the immense use of gasoline has been a great issue for the past years and due to these many car manufacturers’ answers to the challenge of producing a solar powered vehicle in replacement for gasoline. Many have succeeded as solar powered cars are being used in different countries for trial. This is great news because lessening the use of gasoline will also decrease the number of air pollutants that would not only harm the environment but as people.

Solar panels on parking lots and city roads

Many countries cannot start their own solar panel farm due to lack of space due to the buildings and commercial establishments invading the area.  To answer the problem, they have been thinking of replacing road with solar panels and even the parking lots. This has been greatly considered because solar panels can actually withstand the weight of vehicles and it is also found out that solar panels can actually help melting snow and rain during the winter season because of its heating element.

4 Basic Questions You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Panel

Solar panels are widely used today in some countries. It is now a testament that people are recognizing to go green by depending on a renewable source of energy. In addition, having a solar panel installed is an investment. This is just a basic guide for you to know some basic facts about solar panels and here are just some of the facts you should know.

What are the types of solar power systems are compatible in residential areas?

There are various solar power systems are available in the market for household purposes. They basically convert the power of DC to AC so that the power can be used in your home or stored back in the grid. Below are some of the basic solar systems you can use:

  • Grid-connect solar: this is by far the most common solar power. This is primarily using a DC (direct current) and converts to AC (alternating current) so that the power produced is compatible with the grid. This system usually uses the electricity first from the solar power before the electricity from the grid. During nighttime, the energy now used is from the electricity grid.
  • Hybrid solar: this type of solar power has a battery installed in it. With the battery, it can store the electricity produced then use it during the night or during power outages.
  • Stand alone solar: this type of solar power are usually used in remote areas where there no electricity to be found. They are not connected to the electricity grid and they must have batteries to provide electricity during the night.

What size of solar power system do I need?

Factors such as the location of your home and even the size of your roof (or backyard) are being considered when installing Solar Panels. They will also ask if how you control the temperature in your home and the number of appliances you have. In addition, they will ask you past electricity bills to calculate what type of solar panels suites your home.

What things I should consider in installing a solar panel?

You should know first the reliability of the product and the service. Know what brand of solar panel they will install and how efficient it is. Read its reviews on the internet or ask for advice to your neighbors that have solar panels already. Know also where will the panel will be placed and the angle of it facing the sun.

What should I do to maintain it?

Surprisingly, solar panels are very low-maintenance. Just clean them from time to time and remove all the grubs. Just check if the tilt is still good and checks its efficiency occasionally.