How Summer Can Ruin Your Blinds for All Eternity

Its summer already and with the blistering heat comes the reprise of our bodies for some sweet release to cool down. Everybody seems to love summer for many reasons, there are no classes, you can finally get a tan, the sun shines brighter it’s really a season to chill and relax. But did you know while you frolic under the sun your blinds are screaming in pain and also in desperate need to refresh and cool down? Yes, you heard us right the summer can beat you blinds to death.

A Primer: The Two Year Rule

                Before you hit the beach or go on a road trip, you might want to assess if your blinds need cleaning. There ‘s a rule of thumb that blinds should be cleaned every two years, though some heavier blinds can go till six years you don’t want push it to the limit and just go for the bare minimum. It’s more hygienic too. So before you deadbolt the doors, have you cleaned it two years ago? Chances are you haven’t so clean it to avoid a future summer bummer in the hospital.

Summer Heat: Bacteria’s BFF

                You see it’s just a simple analogy. With intense sun means more intense heat and lingering longer morning and afternoons. More sun exposure, more heat the faster germs develop. Yeah, germs die in heat but only if it reaches boiling point and you don’t want Mother Nature to bring that don’t you? But with the summer it’s just the right amount of heat and the right exposure to send germs and dirt to multiply. And when they are in multitudes, you get sick and you don’t want to miss out on summer events and sipping on medicine instead of sipping on margaritas.

Summer Moisture: Bacteria Staple

                Its not only the summer heat that ruin the your blinds. Moisture can make them infested with different germs and viruses. You see the summer air is not dry like winter, its humid a whole lot wetter. If your blinds are exposed in open window absorbing all heat and moisture then you might want clean them ASAP before they accumulate more. What are in apparent risk are bathroom and kitchen and velux window blinds which always face these kinds of harsh elements.

Melt, Melt, Baby

                Blinds made out of plastic like PVC blinds might deteriorate over the years of sun exposure. Approximately five summers can cause PVC blinds to lose shape and become supple because of the direct contact with heat and in extreme cases may melt of. It’s important to roll them up if necessary as they can also create a hot house effect and if left untreated might cause a fire.